Thursday, May 6, 2010

No Excuses

I've been remiss. I can't be bothered to take photos of the things I do, if I even bother to do things. When I do photograph anything, it never makes it off the camera. However! I've just signed up for Daring Bakers, so starting next month, you're guaranteed at least one post a month, and a delicious one, at that. Get hungry.


  1. long time listener, first time visitor.

    zipping thru your webs makes me feel like a spy with amnesia, because we ain't talk so good. your travel photog reminds me that my computer is my passport, but that a copyright ($$) or two could remedy that anchored sadness.

    forgot the header. oh, yes, i can stay hungry!

    super excited about blowing half my financial aid load on CNC equipment, e.g., desktop 3D printer, laser cutter, PCB stuff, &c. will learn more outside of the classroom and have already run thru the logistics and actuaries. gonna use the 3D printer to prototype board game parts and pieces: was depressed over last 4 yr.s but remained vigilant about keeping game design notes. (synthesis of notes has revealed four unique games! have only a vague idea of how to secure intellectual property.)

    this post is running away from me. gist: life is great, even when you are too retarded to function in society. okay, bye!

  2. ditto what he said?

