Monday, August 24, 2009


My dad's immigration file is a stack of photocopies of photocopies of forms and typewritten letters. Halfway through the pile is his application for permanent residency, followed by another sheet that's blank except for this picture. ID photos for the application. I love the look on his face and the quality of the image.

I requested his file during my attempt to get Italian citizenship, an effort which proved unnecessary, since I've apparently had dual citizenship all along. Since I got my Italian passport a couple of summers ago, I haven't really thought much about taking advantage of it. Moving out of the country has been a hazy, unforeseeable future daydream. I started thinking about it more concretely today, though. While I was looking up information about binding, I found a book arts program in London. Of course the tuition for international students puts the program completely out of my reach. But tuition for UK and EU citizens is only a third of that. I've already started my application.