Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Carolina Sunshine Girl

Well, I'm here. I procrastinated to the brink of failure, but thanks to Kate, John, et al, I got everything packed and arrived in Chapel Hill at around midnight on Monday. Kate and I bought walkie-talkies for the drive and it was the best $17 I've ever spent. I waffled a little, thinking, "What can a walkie do for me in this age of cell phones?" Blasphemy! These things are freaking awesome. Plus they made driving the truck a breeze, since Kate was able to tell me when it was safe to change lanes. A+

It's green and lovely here and much cooler (temperature-wise) than Birmingham. Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, Harris Teeter, and most importantly, Locopops (yesterday Kate and I shared a chocolate chile popsicle and a plum pink pepper one. Holy sweet god damn!) are right down the street. AND a quilting store moved in next to Locopops. Nevertheless, I'm feeling pretty down. The time has come to get to the business of moving on and looking forward, which I'd really rather avoid.

Instead, I've decided to distract myself with new crafts, which I've convinced myself is not incongruent with the looking-forward directive. I bought some cheap vinyl toys and spent most of last night perusing tutorials on painting, sculpting, and general modification of toys. And then, of course, there are the laptop cases, pillow monsters, quilts, and embroidery projects I've stockpiled. Problems? What problems? Lalalalalalalalala, I can't hear you.

Pictures of my endeavors to soon as I can find my camera cord.


  1. a monster of pillow please for me please.
    thank you.

  2. Glad you're blogging again! Loved talking to you. Missing you fiercely. - Jon

  3. lalalalalalalalalaaaa, i can't hear the problems my fantasy world, you and i just hang out all the time with walkie talkies and eat locopops, and neither of us has any problems.

  4. I like your fantasy world, little dipper.
