Thursday, September 17, 2009


I've known about Etsy's Alchemy for a while, but never really checked it out until a couple of days ago. All of a sudden I'm making bids left and right for all kind of things. Mainly it's been graphics or print production stuff but I've bid on fabric-based projects as well. For those of you who don't know, Alchemy is a service where a person places a wanted add for something, with an ideal price and shipping date. It ranges from the very specific (a yard and a half of a particular fabric) to the very general (a present for my mother). Anyone with an Etsy account can bid on the job with a description of what they can or will do, a price, and their own shipping date.

Three of my bids have been accepted, so I've got some real (read: paid) projects to work on. One is a custom Pillow Monster, another is a kimono and obi for a toddler, and the third is two fabric reward charts for kids to keep track of their chores and earn goodies. All of them are going to be fun, but I've already discovered that I should bid high, rather than low. Once I've figured it out, I'll be able to make more of the reward charts, but so far I'm afraid I've spent a terrible amount on supplies because I haven't got all the details worked out. I did pick out some really cute fabric, though. There are a couple of bids that I really hope get accepted because the projects are super fun. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Also, if you've got anything you need made, designed, printed, or whatever, you should think about putting up a request. I'm considering using Alchemy to get a coat tailored.

The weekend is nearly upon us and though I didn't get all of my chores done, I at least opened a bank account and mailed out a pillow that I sold the other day. Plus I put together a design portfolio of sorts on Flickr, with mock-ups of some of my buttons and other design stuff. Still no tags, though. Apparently it's going to require getting a North Carolina driver's license. It's been a while since I had one of those. Maybe my picture will be better this time around.

p.s. I put up a new Often Awesome Army skin on Personas. Check it out.


  1. How much does a girl got to bid to get a banner from you?

  2. Girl, you need a banner? I'll hook you up. The first one's free. ;) I just need specs, mami. Might take me a minute though, since I have something ridiculous like 100 star shapes I need to cut out of fabric.

  3. You should put the Cigar Box web stuff on your Flickr. That stuff was really nice.
