Friday, September 4, 2009


I've accumulated this pile of toys to paint, so I made a trip to the art supply store today to get some acrylics. The person working there clued me in to the existence of this totally sweet gallery/shop in Car Mill Mall called Wootini. They show art in the front and sell toys, art books, and magazines like Juxtapoz and Playtimes in the back. Perfect! (I spent too much on an issue of Playtimes with a Tokidoki cover because I'm secretly a little obsessed.)

So that was a bonus, and in addition, on the way to the hardware store for some plastic primer I discovered a radass shop, Chapel Hill Comics, on Franklin Street. I loitered there for at least an hour looking at their comics and amazing art books. I must have written down ten different things that I want to buy when I've got some spare cash.

I'm hoping to do some actual work on a couple of toys this weekend, so I cleaned and primed most of the figures. The Hello Kitties were pretty easy, especially the ones that didn't have a lot of paint on them. The only real problem I hit was with the Ghost Rider Mighty Mugg I snagged on sale at Urban Outfitter the other day. The head part was fine, but the body was a disgusting mess. I figured the body would be black vinyl with just a little bit of silver and white paint. There was black coming off, though, so I thought maybe it was painted over the same base plastic as the head. But no matter how much I rubbed, the black wouldn't come off. It started to get totally gloppy and nasty with bits of cotton ball stuck in it. Ew. I got it as clean and smooth as I could and left it to dry. I'm going to try sanding it a bit tomorrow and then priming. My only concern is that I want to leave the flames the way they are and I'm not sure how to avoid getting spray paint all over them. I'll work that out tomorrow, I guess.

Oh, I almost forgot. My new glasses came today.

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